I've always been a fan of Granville Island because it's one of those places that reminds me of my childhood. Daddy used to work in one of the restaurants part-time and we drove him to work every Sunday morning where we also buy a cup of hot chocolate and a $1 bag of bird feed to feed the pigeons. Good times. I've been more of a walker than a shopper or an eater there because I always assume that it's really expensive being a tourist area.
On Saturday, me and Ursula ran some errands (if you consider waking up early to check out a sale an errand, and then some) and Jason was meticulously cleaning the insides of his car at Peter's place. So by the time we're both done, it was pretty late for lunch. So after much contemplating, we decided to eat at Creekside which we originally thought was at Granville Island but wasn't. So, mistake was made and we picked a place in Granville Island and chose The Sandbar Restaurant. Peter was saying that this was where he and his wife Linda had their first date. It was a lovely place. We sat on the patio with a great view. Their clam chowder, salmon burger, and oyster burger was
amazingly delicious! I'm picky with seafood and generally when they're overcooked or lack flavour due to freezing, it's just not worth my money (which was what I was expecting when I ordered). Also, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that the menu wasn't overly extravagant. At any rate I didn't have to worry about that cuz Jay treated everyone that day so he was the only one left with a hole in his wallet (Thanks! ^_^).
So Sandbar again, people? Let me know if you wanna go!

I haven't seen a movie in...a long time. I think I watched Max Payne over half a year ago just because I tagged along with my friend, her boyfriend, and his friends. So finally, with some take-out food and Jay's gigantic TV, I finally got to watch Taken and Transformers (the first one). Most people probably have already seen them so I'm really behind.
Taken (2008) - I liked it a lot. A lot of action without a lot of gore (*thumbs up*) and I think Liam Neeson is a great actor with a lot of charisma and pretty darn fit for a man his age. Like any action movie I watch, I always wish that I had the same butt-kicking skills. A childhood desire that was never fulfilled.
Transformers (2007) - I was surprised that I enjoyed it. Maybe it was all the hype about it that I just thought it'll be one of those things that everyone says is great but ends up sucking (i.e. Harry Potter; Tokyo Drift). I think I heard more about Megan Fox when the movie came out, but I still don't see what the fuss is all about. Yeah, she's eye candy and all but her performance didn't really have much impression on me. I found that Shia LaBeouf (doesn't that translate to 'beef' in French?) was very witty without being an obvious goofball, and gave his character many dynamic traits. Although, if anything I was quite attached to the autobots. I actually felt a shock of sadness when Jazz was ripped in half and when Bumblebee lost his legs in the explosion. Nooooo!! Such tragedy! What do you know? I've become a tranformers geek. I remembered listening in on a conversation 2 years ago about something 'bot' and something 'tron' and thought 'Man, this is the epitamy of geekiness.' Things change. However, with the less than excellent reviews about the sequel, I think I'll wait until it comes out on DVD.
Today's tasks - get more clear make-up bags from Daiso ($2 is a great deal compared to $20 per bag at Hollynorth, just fyi); Buy food at Costco; Get magazines for my photomorgue project.
Adore this but too broke to buy it now: