Tuesday, November 2, 2010

40 Day Gratitude Challenge - Day 4

I know I'm way behind on this challenge but still moving along.

Today I'm thankful for:

  1. A relatively short staff meeting, and I was not nodding off!
  2. Being able to finish making my Preservation Arts test for the grade 11/12s.
  3. Double of my spare blocks due to the Remembrance Day assembly next week!  I get a break between 9:25am-12:35pm!  Now to think of something totally unproductive to do during that time...
  4. The newly put together Christian Club - first meeting I went to today, we played Biblical Charades.  Was lots of fun and nice to see familiar faces of students I didn't know were Christians.
  5. Ursula who seeked to resolve our tiff by buying me a larger container of Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
  6. The man who was very rude, came up to me and Jason and told us off for the driving mistake his son made, and then proceeded to walk away and not listen to our explanation.  We were on our way to church (and so was he).  Jason and I were very angry and felt disrespected.  But through the sermon, we found peace.  Jason was also reminded and shared with me that God often feels how we feel.  Because often when we pray, we rarely listen, but just us spewing out our needs to God.  If we felt angry and unjustified, I can't imagine how God feels.  A good reminder and food for thought.
  7. Finding the cheaper version of a higher recommended lip liner.
  8. The mini-Halloween chocolate bars.  I feel less guilty eating small ones (now it's just a matter of keeping the numbers to a minimum).
  9. The ability to drive to work in the pouring rain and dark mornings.
  10. The pouring rain and dark mornings - sounds strange but the change it weather makes me think of Christmas.  Plus waking up and going to work in the dark somehow makes me feel like I woke up earlier than usual and therefore more productive.


  1. yea sometimes im thankful for the dark weather and rain too! i think the sound of rain makes it all the more relaxing..

  2. Hooray! Keep at the challenge! :)
    I know what you mean about those mini-chocolate bars. They're actually temptation x1,000,000, even if they don't seem that bad while you're thinking of buying them at the store (if you bought them yourself). :P

  3. Awwwe that was really sweet of Ursula ^^

    Is the Christian Club at your high school?

    That's a really nice testimony. Our communication with God is so often one-sided. We really do need to sit down and have some quiet time with Him, just to listen and absorb.

  4. dummeow: i enjoy bad weather as long as i'm indoors and warm =D

    aaronshlo: it's bad...i've been eating 4 at a time at least once a day. i think that's why i haven't been sleeping well. too much sugar in my system 0_0

    selena: the christian club just started! we're not allowed to advertise for it due to admin and parents not wanting it to seem like we are evangelizing in the schools but it's nice to see students passionate enough to do it and for those who come too
