Not bad at all.
I have been super busy and I look tired and half dead most of the time. Sometimes I wish there were more hours in the day and sometimes I wish I can pause time and just take a nap. In general though, life is going well. Praise the Lord! It's Thanksgiving and there really is a lot to give thanks for, even things that I don't normally notice. I'll just list some majors that I'm thankful for.
1) Jason
The bum is in Victoria most of the time studying, but things couldn't be better. Though apart, we're more together now in goals and values and outlook than any other time. Plus, I love the boy! (To Jay: Wajuh! Hahaha)
2) Family
I still need to work on being nicer to my family because I still tend to be very short-tempered with them. Oftentimes, I wish that I'm living on my own so I could sleep without noise and do things my way. But I'm thankful for them because sometimes when things are too quiet and lonely, the thing I would yearn for the most is some annoying noise from some annoying people that I would not trade away for anything else.
3) Work
Yay, I have a job! Though there are worries in finances and future (i.e. retirement pension plans looking pretty bleak), I'm still working with a full-time contract! Unlike many people in this economy, I still have a stable income. No extremely crazy kids this year (crazy is still part of adolescence, so I cannot escape). I have a great bunch of students running the Catering Club which is taking a lot of time but is super exciting. And who knows? Maybe through this experience, I will use it one day to actually run a business. And randomly this week, one student had a guitar in my room during lunch break and people were saying praise songs in my room. How nice!
4) Make-up
Lots of fun and I wish I could do it more! Enjoying the photoshoots and longing to develop my photography and photoshop skills so I can accomplish what is in my mind. Only just over a month before the program is complete and then I'm on my own. Freelance makeup artist - who knew I'd end up here? Interesting journey of life. Hopefully after classes are over, I can get back into more routine church on Sundays and more time to hang out with people again.
As I look around me and into my life, I see God's glory shining through - and He has blessed me!